Personalized Custom Lyrics
"Singing Memories That Last"
Service Description
Performer Rate ($100) Personalized Lyrics ($100) Tell us all about that one time. We want to hear about our recipient / so we can personalize lyrics to fit your occasion. Perfect for The best Mother's Day Gift Ever. Birthday's, surprises, proposals, anniversaries, or even breakups. Things we need to know to customize your lyrics. Nicknames: Hobbies: Where they grew up: Things they always say: What are their favorite foods: Allergic to: Dislikes: Siblings: Children: Relationship to sender (You): Funny Stories: Touching Moments: Gratitude statements: We have done a break up telegram here and there. Please call so we can handle this for you in the most respectful and clear way to the recipient.

Cancellation Policy
Please postpone or reschedule within 24 hours of your scheduled telegram. There is a non-refundable $25.00 cancellation fee for less than 24 hours notice.
Contact Details
+ 7206901007